Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Caleb and Wink

Sorry So Long!

Wow, it has been a long time since I have updated everyone. Not that our life is boring and there is nothing to write, there seems to be so much, no time to sit down and tell you all about it. I look forward to boring to tell you the truth!

Heidi and Roger are in Israel and Caleb and I are trying to hold down the fort. Boy do I appreciate Roger getting up on the cold mornings and feeding all the horses. I have had to the last week and a half while he has been gone. I am also thankful for Kelly (Ranch hand) feeding them in the evenings so I don't have to. We had a very sad thing that happened before Roger and Heidi left for Israel. Caleb's horse, "Wink" broke her leg and we had to put her down. It was such a tough time seeing Caleb hug her neck and tell her, "Good-Bye" before the vet gave her "the shot." Thankfully we all went in the house and Kelly and the vet took care of her.

Here are a few things Heidi and Roger got to do during their trip to Israel...
Rode a Camel, shopped in Bethlehem, Baptised in the Jordan River, Floated in the Dead Sea,
Sat on King Herod's potty etc.... Who else can say they sat on a King's potty?
Many pictures will be posted when they return!