Like the song says, "I felt the earth move under my feet!" It was a very freaky feeling. I was leaning against the bathroom counter putting make up on, when the counter started moving and shaking. Caleb came running saying the chandelier was swaying, there was rumbling noises and the cat was going crazy. Heidi woke up thinking Caleb was shaking her bed. Wells, Nevada had a 6.0 Earth Quake that was felt all thru Utah as well as Idaho, Montana and Southern California at 7:16 AM this morning. There were many after shocks, some as big as 5.0, but I didn't feel anymore than the first one. What a way to start your day! There are some reports of buildings collapsing in Wells, water main breaks, fires etc., but so far no reports of serious injuries.
Roger is on his way flying to VA. to spend some much needed time with his family. "Hi all in Virginia!"