Caleb and Mom waiting in the auditorium Sunday with the rest of the Extras...

Caleb and Zack (a friend from school that went with Caleb) in front of the main door. Pictures were not allowed on set or of the cast.

What a weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long long hours!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday we arrived at 10:00 AM and quickly went to work, standing and sitting on wooden bleachers, screaming, jumping, clapping for 13, yes 13 HOURS!!! They needed additional Extras so I got recruited and became a screaming fan too. Both of us was on the second row of the bleachers right behind the famous "Wild Cats."
Our first break (5 minutes) was at 4PM, Dinner at 6:30 (long time since breakfast) then we left at 1:00 AM!! They were still filming when we left and we were told they finished at 2AM.
Sunday we didn't have to get there until 12:00. They were doing smaller shots and did not need the majority of the Extras until they finished, so we sat in the auditorium (without A/C) until 6PM!! We were so tired we sneaked out while they were moving Extras around at 10:30. Poor Caleb went to school like a walking zombie this morning.
Caleb is filming tomorrow all day in a car wash scene. They told us to prepare for a long day. (Like Sat. and Sun. weren't long???!!!)
But even though he was tired and worn out, he had the time of his life !!