Tuesday, January 27, 2009

KLOVE Cruise 2009

Well, another KLOVE Cruise has come and gone! They are so much fun and you meet such great people. This year we went with Jon, Carmen (Roger's Secretary) and their son, Arie. Also joining us was Ryan and Kelly. Heidi met Ryan on last year's cruise and they have kept in touch. As you can tell from the pics below; they had a blast hanging out. They also hung out with the back up dancers for Nicole C. Mullins. Ate WAY TOO much! But had a ton of fun. Cheese burgers before bed, what's not fun about that! Next year's cruise will be in February and Ryan's entire family will be going. Anyone interested in going (and why would you not?) go to KLOVE.com they are already 45% sold out and it's only been 3 days!

Caleb always enjoys hanging out with his all time favorite DJ; Sherri Rivers! It was nice to hear Sherri say she reads the blog..... We heard you this morning talking about Caleb on the radio!!!! Too bad he was still in bed!

God bless Chocolate Melting Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KLOVE Cruise 2009

Caleb and Arie


She'll kill me for putting this on....

Our cruising gang!


Heidi's body guards.


"If the ship goes down, he's taking pictures!

Heidi's cruising buddy, Ryan

Janene and Kelly (Ryan's Mom)


Ryan and his mom, Kelly. Our new cruising buddies.

Heidi, Ryan and the back up dancers for Nicole C. Mullins

Caleb and his favorite DJ's
Jon and Sherry Rivers holding a picture they posed for 6 years ago on the first cruise.


Caleb with Marty from 4Him

Cool Couple

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

KLOVE Cruise

We are leaving in the EARLY AM for the KLOVE Crusie. Will post pictures when we return.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back In School

Heidi is back in school instead of homeschooling. Have you ever tried to learn Chemistry and Calculus by yourself? It ain't pretty! She is a smart cookie and this will make it a lot easier for her. She decided she wanted to go to a different private school instead of the one she used to attend. She now goes to the school our church has; Layton Christian Academy. She's been going 12 days and has already been asked to the Valentine's Dance. She has been called a Jesus Freak in bible class because she knows her stuff and the teacher is always commenting about her in class. Then the other day the same kids that were calling her Jesus Freak was asking her for her help. She is doing amazingly well!

Call Back!!!

Caleb got his first "call back." Which means... when he auditioned to play a bully in an upcoming SAG film; they liked him and have narrowed down to him and probably 2 or 3 others. He goes back today and will audition again and in front of the Director and/or Producer. The first audition was in front of the Utah Casting Director. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know Ashley called! We had a great conversation! She is going to school to be a nurse and working in a Dr's office. She has been dating a guy (Tim) for 3 years now and he sounds really nice. She keeps up with our blog..................Ashley I love you so much and can't tell you how happy it makes me to have you back in my life!! Can't wait to see you!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Caleb is the member of his first cast!

Caleb's story........... A gang of 15 really mean dudes came from behind the car and tried to take his really cool shoes. He fought them off one by one; until there was one left standing. He hit the guy so hard in the nose, that not only did it send the guy flying, it broke Caleb's hand!

Mom's story.....................While auditioning for an action, thriller Boy Scout movie, the Producer put his hands up and told Caleb to hit his hands. He did, and broke HIS!!!!

Choose you this day, which one you believe!