Mom, looking to the stars.................

Uncle Jr, thanks for coming. You are always a blast to have around. And all my lights work now!

Here are pics from where we went out to eat for my Birthday. We went to an old house in the Canyon that was turned into a Lodge/Restaurant. This dog belongs to the owner. He looked like he wanted to eat us on our way in, but Caleb sure made friends with him on the way out.

Me and my Mommy!

Mom, the camera is this way......................

Heidi and all her hard work! She really pulled it off! She even got grounded in the process. I caught her hiding in the laundry room and talking on the phone. I got so mad and took her phone away. How was I supposed to know she was calling and inviting people to my Surprise Party? Sorry Angel!
P.S. Noone told Caleb until right before the party. He's not that good at keeping secrets.