Thursday, August 23, 2007

Caleb's First Day at Jr. High!

Big Man on Campus!

Heidi's First Day of Homeschool!

Life is rough!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!

Hope you have the BEST day ever! It has been a rough year and we're really glad you made it to see another Birthday cake!

You are the BEST!!!

Roger, Janene, Heidi and Caleb

Monday, August 20, 2007

Life's Little Adventures

You always love walking into your house on a hot summer day and discover that the temperature inside isn't too much cooler than the outside! That is what happened to us yesterday (Sunday). A Repairman came out today and told me the entire unit needs to be replaced. He also told me the unit is 16 years old; our house is only 9 years old. Where was the unit the other 7 years? Thank goodness there are no more 100 degree days in the forcast, today it was 90. Hopefully by this week end we will have a cool home again!

Tonight was "Back to School Night" at CHS. Caleb got to go around to all his classes and meet his teachers for this year. Heidi went and got bombarted with everyone asking her why she was not coming back to school. We are excited to see how homeschooling will go. Her curriculum came the other day. It will all be on the computer and that will help to keep in organized and in one place.

Have a good evening and stay cool; I'm trying!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sun Set

After the storm there was the most beautiful sun set. The picture does not show it as pretty as it was.

What a Storm!

It rained so hard this evening that the eves could not handle all of the water. There must be a tunnel under ground that the water goes to, but it was going in way too fast and the ground gew as you can see in the picture. Caleb and I were standing on the front porch watching the storm when we noticed the ground raising. It was so weird!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Heidi's Big News!

Heidi dropped a bomb shell on us Sunday evening. She said she wanted to be Homeschooled instead of going back to CHS. She wants to graduate a year early, attend Master's Commission or live in Belize for a year doing Mission's work, then go off to College where she wants to study Special Education and work with disabled children. So we are on a mission to learn how to homeschool a High Schooler. Caleb will remain at CHS. He is excited he has his first locker. School for Caleb starts 8/22. Heidi won't be able to start until after 8/25. We are so proud of them both! We bought new uniforms for Caleb and Heidi wanted some new ones too. But what she picked out was P.J.'s! :) We are so excited to see what God has in store for our family.

This evening Heidi discovered our rabbit, "Lala" has had bunnies! So far we have seen 5! The crazy thing is, they are probably 5-6 weeks old. We can't believe all this time we have not seen them and can not figure out where she has had them hidden. We took her out of her cage over a month ago and put her in a dog kennel so she could be on the ground and dig in the dirt. Last week she kept digging out and we finally just left the door to the kennel open and she stays around and goes in and out of the kennel. When Roger came in the other night from feeding the horses he could not believe what he saw! Lala laying with the dog McGruff! She loves being able to roam, but stays close to her little area and none of the animals bother her.

Roger finally has some help with all the "Ranch Stuff". He's hired one person that knows a lot about horses and training them. Another guy comes and does the maintanence. Now maybe Roger will have time to enjoy the horses instead of working all the time he is home.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Pastor Barnett

It was fun catching up with Pastor Barnett on our trip to Phoenix over the 4th of July! It was great to be home!

Heidi on the High Performance USA Volleyball Team

Heidi tried out for the HP USA Volleyaball Team and MADE IT!!! We are so proud of her! She really did a great job and loves to "pancake" now! In case you have a hard time picking her out, she is #2.

Dad and his ol buddy Pastor Dodd

Here is Roger and his ol buddy Pastor Dodd. Pastor Dodd and Susan are now Missionaries in Belize. The drinking water must be killer on the teeth.:)

Caleb's Big Fish

Caleb caught the big one today (20 inches)! Dad's is; the other! (14 inches)

Heidi In Belize on a Mission's Trip

Heidi loved going to Belize again this year with her dad on another Mission's Trip to the Dodd's. Heidi loves working with the kids!

Misc Photos

I'm going to try my first hand at uploading photos to our blog. We shall see if it works. Keep your fingers crossed.

First Day of Blogging

Today, August 4th 2007 is the first day with our new Blogg. We hope to keep you updated with our comings and goings as well as provide you with pics from our life out West. Keep checking it regularly and as I learn how to Blogg I will keep adding new things. Take Care and God Bless!